The Mosmark Series

Mosaic Mickey NFT

By Chris Mak

Mosmark is the name of a trendy art toy collection that combines “Mosaic” – meaning pixelation, and “Mak” – the surname of the designer together. 

In the internet age, everyone leaves their traces or even identities online through searching, browsing etc. These behaviors have indeed been recorded somewhere and are contributing to the big data. Do we still have privacies and controls over them?

Chris Mak, the designer of the series has been rethinking this topic. Everyone is always being watched by somebody else online. Chris was inspired to leverage mosaic to protect privacies, leaving him rooms to keep his own “secrets”. He created a series of 3D pixelated artworks with use of familiar IPs to bring new visual impact. Surprisingly, the series has become very popular – there are more and more crossover opportunities with other well-known IPs, making Mosmark and 3D mosaic a trendy brand and design elements in the industry. 

With the success of Mosmark Mickey series, Chris decided to create more digital arts with 3D mosaics and to launch them in the form of NFT. NFT is a digital token developed based on blockchain technology. Unlike general cryptocurrencies, each NFT is unique. On blockchains, all transaction details are open to the public but with anonymity, which is echoing the core design idea – leaving a little “secret” for the NFT owners in the big data. 

Chris Mak

Toy Designer, Co-founder of Mosmark

Born in 1960s, Hong Kong, Chris has started his career in toy design since 1985. Dedicated to the field for 30 years, he enjoys creating new products, sensing every detail in daily life to get inspiration for the next design. Chris is keen on using various materials and elements that wows the audience. 

With his concerns on internet data privacy, Chris has launched his own brand – Mosmark in 2020, with pixelated famous IP to bring out the message to the public, which brings him more popularity in the industry. 

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